Otago Property Investors Association Inc

03 477 6220


Register for The Great Shares vs Property Debate

The Shares vs Property debate is one of those mortal battles – Ford vs Holden, Auckland vs Queenstown, Armani vs Calvin Klein. Each has its diehards with their own set of statistics that prove that one is a better bet than the other.

Both arguments are pushed by vested interests: money managers rake in billions a year by taking a tiny slither of your investment and making it theirs (via asset-based fees), and there’s an entire industry of agents, banks, politicians and retailers that feed off a strong property market.

Come along and listen to both perspectives from young investors, Haley and Johnny van Leeuwen. Haley is an investment advisor at Craigs Investment Partners and deals with shares on a daily basis. Johnny on the other hand spends his days renovating their properties and working on finding and adding the next deal to their portfolio. When they are not working on properties or shares, both Haley and Johnny enjoy competing in mountain biking competitions, taking out several medals and bragging rights along the way.

Looking forward to seeing you at Forbury Park Function Centre on Tuesday 15th March, networking from 7.00pm with the formalities of the evening commencing at 7.30pm.

Thank you to our major sponsor, ANZ bank for providing the raffle prizes. Bring along your small change or eftpos will be available for you to buy your raffle tickets. Proceeds go towards purchasing resources for our members.

The library will be on display - feel free to browse through and select the books you wish to take away with you or return the books you have at home.

  Option Joining Fee Annual Fee
Attending Per Person Total
1 person 2 people

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