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Archive: July 2014

NZ renters are not more vulnerable

The Auckland Property Investors’ Association (APIA) rejects characterisation by the New Zealand Institute Of Economic Research (NZIER) of New Zealand being ‘one of the least renter-friendly regimes in the OECD’.
31-07-2014 more >>

Local Government Amendment Pases into Law

Legislation amending councils’ ability to charge development level fees passed into law this evening after the Government completed it Budget’s process for the year.
29-07-2014 more >>

Building a better New Zealand Conference in September

Innovative ways to create better communities and improve the performance of existing buildings will be discussed by national and overseas speakers at the Building a Better New Zealand conference in September.
27-07-2014 more >>

RBNZ raises OCR to 3.5 percent

Statement issued by Reserve Bank Governor Graeme Wheeler
24-07-2014 more >>

Interest rate rise will hit the regions

The latest interest rate rise will hit the fragile regional economies of New Zealand and hurt exporters by putting more upward pressure on the exchange rate, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.
24-07-2014 more >>

New Zealand property prices 61% overvalued compared to rental prices

A recent report by the OECD claimed that NZ property prices were 61% over valued when compared to rental prices. However another way to look at this statistic is that rental prices in New Zealand are too cheap.
22-07-2014 more >>

Government announces more support for Māori housing

Associate Minister of Housing Tariana Turia today announced the establishment of a National Māori Housing Unit within the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE) to co-ordinate strategic Māori housing policy across government
12-07-2014 more >>

June political and regulatory news affecting the residential rental property industry

Thomas Chin has written this summary for the NZPIF.
07-07-2014 more >>

Tax and politics: Target the black economy not the multi-nationals

This article is the opinion of KPMG Tax Partner Tony Joyce.
07-07-2014 more >>

Rental property owners confirmed as tax payers

Official Information shows that the perception that rental property owners don't pay tax is wrong.
02-07-2014 more >>

The Bank of England’s new approach to mortgage restrictions better targeted than LVR policy

The new Insight from the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZEIR) by Shamubeel Eaqub and Kirdan Lees says that the Bank of England's new approach to managing financial stability risks is better targeted than New Zealand's loan-to-value (LVR) restrictions
02-07-2014 more >>

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