Otago Property Investors Association Inc

03 477 6220


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Archive: April 2023

Proposed changes will benefit tenants and landlords

A large proportion of rentals in New Zealand are offered by private landlords.  The State cannot house all who need accommodation and National is to be congratulated for seeing private landlords as part of the solution to the difficult housing situation in New Zealand and not the problem.
30-04-2023 more >>

Monthly Coffee Chat Group - April 2023

Come along to our monthly coffee club. You can pop along have a coffee or some lunch and chat with like-minded investors. President- Kathryn Seque is hosting and will have other OPIA executive members there as well so feel free to come along. You must register as if no one is registered to come it won't be held.
29-04-2023 more >>

DCC Panel- Planning, Heritage and more

Come to an exciting panel discussion and Q & A with DCC representatives. It should be an informative night especially if you are thinking about development or significant changes to your property or land in 2023. We are excited to have the following advisors speaking; Mark Mawdsley, Heritage Advisor, DCC Peter Christos, Urban Design, DCC Sarah Gallagher, (Archaeology advisor) HNZPT
18-04-2023 more >>

Large rent increases in January not maintained

February rental statistics from the Bond Centre have been released.
16-04-2023 more >>

The Property Investor Network by NZPIF President Sue Harrison

In times of crisis property investors and landlords with well located, good homes come into their own.  We applaud our North Island Property Investor Associations for ongoing support stewarding members through the weather events and being there in good times and bad.
14-04-2023 more >>

Official Cash Rate increases from 4.75% to 5.25% today

The Monetary Policy Committee today increased the Official Cash Rate (OCR) by 50 basis points, from 4.75 percent to 5.25 percent. The Committee agreed the OCR needs to increase, as previously indicated, to return inflation to the 1-3 percent target range over the medium term. Inflation is still too high and persistent, and employment is beyond its maximum sustainable level.
05-04-2023 more >>

Results: 1-6 of 6

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