Otago Property Investors Association Inc

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Archive: May 2017

NZ's financial system is sound but continues to face risks

New Zealand’s financial system remains sound and the risks facing the system have reduced in the past six months, Reserve Bank Governor Graeme Wheeler said today when releasing the Bank’s May Financial Stability Report.
31-05-2017 more >>

What does the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill (2) mean for property investors?

Andrew King takes you through the Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (2) introduced to Parliament on 23 May 2017 for its first reading.
26-05-2017 more >>

Increase will benefit low income families

The NZ Property Investors' Federation (NZPIF) congratulates the Salvation Army for their advocacy work that has seen the accommodation allowance increase for low income families.
25-05-2017 more >>

Delivering for New Zealanders

Budget 2017 is delivering for New Zealanders with significant investments in public services and infrastructure, and a Family Incomes Package that will help them get ahead, Finance Minister Steven Joyce says.
25-05-2017 more >>

Double glazing alternatives

Want to provide a warm home for your tenants? Can't afford double glazing? There are other just as efficient and more cost effective alternatives. Come along and hear Raymond Dorsey from Mactrac Mactrac also have a range of shower and curtain tracks, blinds, hand rails and lots more.
25-05-2017 more >>

RTA Amendment provides protections and clarity for tenants and landlords

The Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill (No. 2) introduced to Parliament today will provide better protections and clarity for tenants and landlords, Building and Construction Minister Dr Nick Smith says.
23-05-2017 more >>

Tenants' liability for damage

“The NZ Property Investors' Federation is pleased that Government is taking action to remedy the situation of tenants not being responsible for damage they accidently cause in rental properties,” says Andrew King, Executive Officer of the NZPIF
23-05-2017 more >>

What are the consequences of meth in rental properties?

The consequences of meth in rental properties have been escalating over the last few years. Fortunately it isn't the actual health consequences of meth in rentals (except for those actually consuming the stuff) but uninformed fear of what meth residue can do and the potential for highly expensive remediation if it is discovered in your rental.
22-05-2017 more >>

Government to build 34,000 new houses for Auckland

The Government today has announced a Crown land and building programme that will see tens of thousands of new houses built in Auckland over the next decade.
16-05-2017 more >>

Pessimism in the housing market according to new ASB Housing Confidence Survey

The new report prepared by Kim Munby ASB economist says that Price expectations continue to fall around New Zealand.
15-05-2017 more >>

Investors' tax benefits overstated

Labour has announced that they are removing the ability of rental property providers to offset losses. They call it a speculation tax loophole, but it is a tax provision available to all investments.
14-05-2017 more >>

Property the biggest non-export industry in New Zealand

A new Property Council report confirms the economic importance of both commercial and residential property
11-05-2017 more >>

Selwyn Mexted's new book reveals all about his real estate money machine

Richard Woodd writes about the man, his new book and how it can assist you to create wealth through property.
10-05-2017 more >>

Selwyn Mexted launches book

NZPIF President Terry le Grove was the introductory speaker at Selwyn Mexted's book launch in Hamilton on 9 May.
10-05-2017 more >>

Homes are more affordable

An NZPIF study shows that while it is hard for first home buyers to get into their first home, it has always been this way.
09-05-2017 more >>

Methamphetamine - managing the risk

As a landlord, it's important to know your responsibilities around methamphetamine contamination - both for your tenants' safety, and to ensure that you're adequately covered. David Begg from Pure Services has an excellent presentation for landlords which will give you vital important information about Meth. This is an issue that we all need to know about. It’s not going away, in fact it is becoming more prevalent in society. Larry Greene from Betta Inspect It will give you an overview of how to test for Meth in your properties.
09-05-2017 more >>

Homes are more affordable

There continues to be a large number of media articles talking about the "housing crisis" and people being tenants for life. I'm sure that the people saying that home ownership is not achievable for young people are doing this with the best intentions, but they are giving these people the wrong message.  Ironically, by trying to stand up for first home buyers they are likely putting them off even trying to achieve their first home.
03-05-2017 more >>

Will coastal properties become ineligible for insurance?

A new report by Motu Economic and Public Policy Research explores the effects of climate change on insurance.
01-05-2017 more >>

Results: 1-18 of 18

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