Otago Property Investors Association Inc

03 477 6220


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Archive: October 2019

A tribute ot Foster Rudd - NZPIF President 1984-1986

It is with sadness we report the passing of Foster Rudd to whom we will always be grateful for the significant part he played in the establishment of the NZ Property Investors Federation (NZPIF)
25-10-2019 more >>

MBIE EVENT- Renting and You seminar - Dunedin

This is an MBIE event not run by or associated with the OPIA The seminar will cover the healthy homes standards and what landlords need to do to comply, along with other upcoming changes to tenancy laws. The presentation will be approximately one hour, followed by a Q&A session. Reg here: https://www.tenancy.govt.nz/about-tenancy-services/events/renting-and-you-seminar-dunedin-2/
22-10-2019 more >>

Maximising your section and property

Come to this evening to get you inspired about renovation and upgrading your properties or getting the most out of your section. We have a panel of local landlords/investors and so experts coming to speak so register now! More info to come
15-10-2019 more >>

Market and New Laws Update- Cromwell Meeting

The OPIA would like to invite members and non-members to a meeting of like minded investors to an exciting free Saturday afternoon meeting. We will have a market update with what is going on around central Otago (speaker TBC), Tenancy Law update by OPIA president Kathryn Seque including RTA amendments, healthy homes and RTA reform. We will also have Mitre 10 mega attending to show you products that can help you comply with the new healthy homes requirements with ease. Afternoon tea will be supplied but you must register online. Heritage Hotel Cromwell- 1pm 5th October 2019
05-10-2019 more >>

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