Otago Property Investors Association Inc

03 477 6220


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Archive: June 2021

Reserve Bank approved to use debt to income ratios

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has announced plans to add debt to income ratios to its tool kit to dampen investor demand for properties.
17-06-2021 more >>

Debt serviceability restrictions added to tools the Reserve Bank can use

The Reserve Bank and the Minister of Finance have agreed to update their shared Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on macro-prudential policy and add debt serviceability restrictions to the list of potential tools available.
16-06-2021 more >>

OPIA AGM and Core Logic- Current Property Market

OPIA AGM 2021 followed by Nick Goodall from core logic speaking about the current property market. It is now too late to register to Zoom in.
15-06-2021 more >>

Confusing consultation paper

The Government has released a 143-page discussion paper on removing mortgage interest tax deductibility on investment properties and the extension of the Bright line test.
12-06-2021 more >>

Monthly Coffee Chat Group - June

Come along to our monthly coffee club. You can pop along have a coffee or some lunch and chat with like-minded investors. President- Kathryn Seque is hosting and will have other OPIA executive members there as well so feel free to come along. You must register as if no one is registered to come it won't be held. The Plaza Cafe also has a play area for children so feel free to bring along your children.
12-06-2021 more >>

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