Eight new properties being opened today show the importance community organisations play in housing vulnerable New Zealanders, Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett says. 15-09-2015 more >>
The Taxation (Bright-line Test for Residential Land) Bill, which contains proposals to improve compliance with the tax rules on the sale of residential land, has passed its first reading in Parliament. 08-09-2015 more >>
The latest monthly QV House Price Index shows that nationwide residential property values for August have increased 11.3% over the past year 01-09-2015 more >>
Sales volumes, the median days to sell and annual house price inflation in July were all the strongest since 2007, with sales activity in the upper North Island strengthening 31-08-2015 more >>
Tenancy Tribunal statistics show that nearly 50% of the tenant applications against landlords contained a claim for exemplary damages from the landlord, while less than 0.5% of landlords applications were for exemplary damages. 31-08-2015 more >>
The Reserve Bank expects new lending limits for Auckland property investors will reduce heightened financial system risk, and help moderate the Auckland housing market cycle, Deputy Governor Grant Spencer said today. 24-08-2015 more >>
The Reserve Bank today published a summary of submissions and final policy positions in regards to changes in the Loan to Value Ratio restriction rules (LVRs), and the asset classification of residential property investment loans in the Capital Adequacy Framework. 21-08-2015 more >>
This survey was sent out in July to all members of property investors’ associations in New Zealand. 664 took part answering questions about the cost of providing rental property, heating and insulation and about landlords’ experiences with the Tenancy Tribunal. 18-08-2015 more >>
Media was a little less focused on property investors during July and August. However, the effects of announced policy on groups such as bach owners was highlighted. Also the Child Poverty Action Group remained unsatisfied by the Government announcements regarding heating and insulation and continued to call for a WOF for rental properties. 16-08-2015 more >>
The Government is investing in a single website for all Building Code information to make it easier to access and comply with building regulations, Building and Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith announced today 14-08-2015 more >>
Latest Reserve Bank lending data showed that the proportion of lending to investors has risen from 29 percent to 33 per cent over the last year. Following this release, some headlines have read "Investors head first-home buyers", "Auckland is a ‘speculators’ paradise" and†Investors dominate first home buyers". 30-07-2015 more >>
The Reserve Bank today confirmed that at this stage some further monetary policy easing is likely to be required to maintain New Zealand’s economic growth around its potential, and return CPI inflation to its medium-term target level. 29-07-2015 more >>
The Government is seeking to introduce policies intended to encourage our industry to smarten up its act. The two key proposals are increasing the consequences of retaliatory action and giving Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment greater powers to prosecute landlords who provide substandard rental property. Another concerns changes to breaching a work order. 20-07-2015 more >>
In a surprise move, Government is seeking to amend the RTA to improve processes for resolving tenancy abandonment cases. These are cases where the rent is in arrears and the tenant has vacated the property without giving notice. 17-07-2015 more >>
As part of their rental property minimum standards, Government intends to make smoke alarms compulsory in rental properties. Here is further information on the proposed new laws. 17-07-2015 more >>
The size of New Zealand’s households has halved – but it’s taken over a century to do it, according to new analysis from Statistics New Zealand. 16-07-2015 more >>
The New Zealand Property Investors’ Federation (NZPIF) is very pleased that Government has rejected the campaign to introduce a Warrant of Fitness (WOF) for all rental properties. 16-07-2015 more >>
The subjects of NZPIF media comments over this period have included the proposed capital gains tax for properties sold within two years, and requirements for insulation and smoke alarms in rented properties. 15-07-2015 more >>
Here is a chance to learn everything you wanted to know about the NZPIF membership and website management system and more besides. Three hands on training workshops have been organised 15-07-2015 more >>
The NZ Property Investors Federation (NZPIF) believes that the announcements on tenancy conditions are reasonably balanced, ensuring better standards for tenants without causing a reduction in rental property supply or excessive rental price increases. 09-07-2015 more >>