Otago Property Investors Association Inc

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Otago News

OCR remains at 1.75%

The Official Cash Rate (OCR) remains at 1.75 percent. Given the weaker global economic outlook and reduced momentum in domestic spending, the more likely direction of our next OCR move is down.
27-03-2019 more >>

Tenant advocate news

Unfortunately I am having to write this just before the Tax Working Group recommendations are released, which is a shame. Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately) there are many topics affecting our industry which I can write about.
09-03-2019 more >>

Costs increasing faster than rental prices

The latest Consumer Institute cost of living survey shows that general costs in providing rental property have increased faster than rental prices. In addition, wage increases were 66% higher than rental price increases.
04-03-2019 more >>

Capital gains tax reviewed by Tony Alexander, BNZ

In his weekly review on February 28, Tony Alexander summarised the possible effects of the proposed capital gains tax
01-03-2019 more >>

Prospects for build to rent in NZ

A new report has been released by CBRE
01-03-2019 more >>

Warm, dry rentals are good

Today the Minister of Housing announced that rentals which will require a minimum standard for heating, insulation, ventilation, moisture and drainage by 2024.
24-02-2019 more >>

Cautious cheer for buyers in ASB Housing Confidence Survey

House price expectations slipped again, according to the latest ASB Housing Confidence Survey – though the decline was less dramatic than in the October quarter.
15-02-2019 more >>

Official Cash Rate (OCR) unchanged at 1.75 percent

Reserve Bank Governor says we expect to keep the OCR at this level through 2019 and 2020. He adds that the direction of our next OCR move could be up or down.
14-02-2019 more >>

Massey University September Home Affordability report

This report has just been published this month.
13-02-2019 more >>

Property wellness check

The start of a new year is a good time to take stock of what is happening with your investments. Think of it like a wellness health check.
10-02-2019 more >>

Ring fencing update

Last year ended with the disappointing news that ring-fencing of rental property losses would no longer be permitted, despite it being available to all other forms of tax losses. Along with the Bright Line Test, this is another tax change which will only apply to rental property.
09-01-2019 more >>

The myth of damp rentals is rubbish

A discussion paper released by Tailrisk Economics assesses the proposed Healthy Homes regulations
17-12-2018 more >>

Tax change bad news for tenants

The IRD states that in NZ, tax is applied to a person's net income and there are no restrictions on loss making from any source. However the Government is introducing a Bill to just ring-fence rental property tax losses.
10-12-2018 more >>

Act now. Get your rental property insulated sooner rather than later

You have until the end of June 2019 to get everything sorted
03-12-2018 more >>

An update on two critically important reviews of the rental industry

Two critically important reviews on the rental industry are underway simultaneously at present. The RTA Review and the review of standards for the Healthy Homes Guarantee Bill.
03-12-2018 more >>

Unovent Home Ventilation Kitsets 25% less until midnight Tuesday 11th December

The 25% price reduction for Unovent® Home Ventilation Kitsets is an exclusive offer for members of Property Investors' Associations affiliated to the NZPIF and is a “Super Special Reduction” not always available
02-12-2018 more >>

Two important industry reviews

The NZPIF has spent a considerable amount of time and effort working on the Residential Tenancies Act Review and the Healthy Homes Standards.
01-12-2018 more >>

NZPIF in the news 25 times over the last three months

As well as building relationships with influential people, attending workshops and writing submissions, NZPIF representatives (usually Andrew King) have been vocal in the media channels.
01-12-2018 more >>

Reserve Bank to ease loan-to-value ratio restrictions in January 2019

From 1 January 2019 the changes are - up to 20 percent (increased from 15 percent) of new mortgage loans to owner occupiers can have deposits of less than 20 percent and up to 5 percent of new mortgage loans to property investors can have deposits of less than 30 percent (lowered from 35 percent).
28-11-2018 more >>

Latest investor confidence survey from ASB

Investor confidence has dipped from nett+21% to +16%, the lowest since Q3 in 2016
26-11-2018 more >>

Indirect payment of letting fees may be the unintended outcome

Property managers are to be banned from charging tenants a letting fee from 12 December this year.
15-11-2018 more >>

Can you trust CVs (Capital Values)

The relevance of CVs (Capital Values) has been questioned recently. It’s not the first time and I’m sure it won’t be the last, but the one thing I think we have to come back to is that CVs are a great anchor point for market value
15-11-2018 more >>

Official Cash Rate (OCR) unchanged at 1.75 percent

We expect to keep the OCR at this level through 2019 and into 2020 says Reserve Bank Governor
08-11-2018 more >>

Property values spring into life in Wellington

According to the October CoreLogic QV House Price Index, property values in Wellington City grew by 3.9% over the last three months.
07-11-2018 more >>

Domestic war zones will increase under proposed tenancy law changes

A Motueka street has returned to normality after three years of turmoil caused by the actions of Housing NZ tenants in one rental property.
06-11-2018 more >>

Results: 176-200 of 2,418

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