Otago Property Investors Association Inc

03 477 6220


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NZPIF Landlord of the Year 2016 Kathryn Seque & OPIA Sponsor Total Carpet Services Dave Pile

Kathryn Seque was awarded 2016 NZPIF Landlord of the Year. Find out (some) of the things she does to have happy tenants and how she builds positive relationships with her tenants. Its not all plain sailing but it is a rewarding business.  There are some 'funny' experiences, cautionary tales and good advice for the novice and experienced landlord.

Dave Pile - Total Carpet Services is an OPIA Sponsor. He will talk about stain and odour removals, Flood clean up and keeping Showers clean and sparkling. Remember your rental property carpet is a valuable asset you can look after it even if tenants make it challenging.

Easter Raffle - Bring along your change -  $2 per ticket or $5 for 5

OPIA Resources available include - OPIA Library Books

Smoke Alarms - 10 year tamper proof alarams $27 each (cost price)

Residential Tenancy Lease agreements (carbonized)  $1.50 each or $10 for 10

Sponsors & Partners