Otago Property Investors Association Inc

03 477 6220


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Hyde Street Party

DATE:  April 1

TIME: 9am until 6pm.  Music off at 5:30pm

ROAD CLOSURE: 7am April 1 until noon on April 2

STREET SWEEPING: 6am April 1 and 9am April 2

SKIPS FOR RUBBISH:  10am until 4.30pm on Friday March 31.  All day April 1.

OUSA suggest that you contact your tenants prior to the 31st March to discuss with them your expectations and concerns.  It is  the hope of OUSA that we can all collaborate to make this a safe event.   Luke@ousa.org.nz   03 479 5343   Emma@ousa.org.nz  03 470 3557


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