Otago Property Investors Association Inc

03 477 6220


News & Updates

Recent updates

  • Tony Alexander- Ex BNZ Economist (ZOOM MEETING)
    The registrations for this online event are now CLOSED. You can still register to come in person.
    22-09-2020 more >>
  • Mitre10 Mega Healthy Homes Mini Trade Night
    15th Sep 2020 6pm Start Chisholm Park Come to a night of deals put on by our amazing sponsors Mitre10 Mega. They will have reps available to speak about all things healthy homes and get your rental ready for the new laws. Click the event to see the full advert.
    15-09-2020 more >>
  • Andrew King clarifies comments attributed to him in a NZ Herald article 7 September
    Andrew King says the NZ Property Investors Federation has always seen the landlord/tenant relationship as a service provider/customer one.
    07-09-2020 more >>
  • AGM & Sharon Cullwick- NZPIF Executive officer
    Tuesday 21 July at 7.30pm OPIA AGM Followed by Sharon (NZPIF Executive officer) Sharon has always had an interest in property investing and has only become fully immersed in the industry since 2016. Before this she has had a diverse career and worked in the clothing industry as a Production/Operations Manager for 15 years, and a Marketing Manager in the Dairy Industry for 5 years.
    21-07-2020 more >>
  • ASB Housing Confidence Survey - three months to April 2020
    Confidence in rising house prices whipsawed by COVID-19. Perceptions of whether it’s a good time to buy also decline as households batten down the hatches. Interest rate expectations flick back to lower for longer.
    27-05-2020 more >>
  • Cancelled. Election year special with special National Party guests.
    21 April 2020 7pm for 7:30pm start Chisholm Park With an election looming later this year its a great time to put your questions to National party MP Hon Micheal Woodhouse (Dunedin North) and see where National sits with all the policy changes around landlording and housing that is happening under the Labour lead government currently. Current National party housing spokes person Hon Judith Collins has also been invited and e are just waiting to confirm. (Several Labour MPs were invited to come and speak to the OPIA at their convenience and no one has replied since October 2019)
    21-04-2020 more >>
  • Delay ring-fencing laws and help 300,000 Kiwis
    “Delaying this law until the 2021/22 year would help the 300,000 rental property owners who are expected to cushion their tenants financially without Government assistance during this Covid 19 lockdown says Sharon Cullwick, Executive Officer of the NZ Property Investors’ Federation (NZPIF).
    20-04-2020 more >>
  • Letter from the Hon Dr Megan Woods and a document of Q&A
    This letter was written and circulated to all property stakeholders on March 27
    28-03-2020 more >>
  • Covid-19 urgent legislation. This relates to rent freeze and tenancy changes
    On Monday 23 March the Prime Minister announced that we will be freezing residential rent increases and providing greater protections for tenants against having their tenancies terminated.
    26-03-2020 more >>
  • ASB Housing Confidence survey January 2020
    Housing confidence is to be tested.
    12-03-2020 more >>
  • RTA Reform Pop Up Meeting
    25 Feb 2020 7pm for 7:30pm start Chisholm Park Come and learn about the RTA Reform bill now that we have the full wording. This is currently going through parliament so this is a meeting to learn about the proposals and be ready for the submission process. This will full up fast and we have limited space to register now! This is a members only event so make sure you have your card with you or the app on your phone as we will be checking these at the door.
    25-02-2020 more >>
  • REINZ and NZ Property Investors Federation join forces on proposed RTA changes
    The Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ) and the New Zealand Property Investors’ Federation have today announced that they are joining forces to challenge some of the proposed changes to the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) which were announced by the government at the end of 2019.
    16-02-2020 more >>
  • Mitre 10 Mega Trade Night
    Come and join us for a fun instore trade night with the wonderful commercial team at Mitre10 Mega. BBQ and Drinks provided and prizes to be won. Click for more info and see the flyer.
    26-11-2019 more >>
  • Steve Watson- Head of Tenancy Services Compliance
    Venue: Kings and Queen Preforming Arts Centre- 195 Surrey Street, St Clair, Dunedin 9012 Time: 7pm for 7.30 start Come along and hear from Steve Watson the head of the compliance division at MBIE (Tenancy Service). With all the changes going on and all the problems members have been having. Steve had agreed to come and speak to our members to clear up problems we are having and answer all your tricky question. We do not get this opportunity often to have this kind of speaker so come along you will not be disappointed. This is not the same as the Renting and You seminar that was just held in Dunedin. Members only event and you MUST bring your membership card or card on the app along. Register now as space will fill up very quickly for an event like this. 
    25-11-2019 more >>
  • OPIA- Christmas Dinner
    Tuesday 19th November Come along and enjoy a fun end of year social event to celebrate a great year for the OPIA. We will have a quick update on what is going on with the property market in NZ and the political issues but apart from that its a great time to celebrate and have some fun. Two course set menu and shared starter. $35pp for members (Subsidised) $43pp Non-members
    19-11-2019 more >>
  • Cliff Seque- Extensions, development and Renos (EVENT FULL)
    THIS EVENT IS NOW FULL 5th November 2019, 7:30pm Start OPIA Offices, 365 Princes St Dunedin, 9016 upstairs above chipmunks Cliff Seque the ex president of the OPIA has offered to run a pop up meeting at the OPIA offices about extensions, renovations and development. After buying run down old properties for over 20 years he is a wealth of knowledge when it come to this topic. With two full renos and two new builds currently on the go he has is finger on the pulse of the Dunedin market and what tenants want from a property and how to add value at the best price. As this is at the OPIA offices we have very strict seats available so you must register ASAP to come before it is full. This is a members only event
    05-11-2019 more >>
  • MBIE EVENT- Renting and You seminar - Dunedin
    This is an MBIE event not run by or associated with the OPIA The seminar will cover the healthy homes standards and what landlords need to do to comply, along with other upcoming changes to tenancy laws. The presentation will be approximately one hour, followed by a Q&A session. Reg here: https://www.tenancy.govt.nz/about-tenancy-services/events/renting-and-you-seminar-dunedin-2/
    22-10-2019 more >>
  • Maximising your section and property
    Come to this evening to get you inspired about renovation and upgrading your properties or getting the most out of your section. We have a panel of local landlords/investors and so experts coming to speak so register now! More info to come
    15-10-2019 more >>
  • Market and New Laws Update- Cromwell Meeting
    The OPIA would like to invite members and non-members to a meeting of like minded investors to an exciting free Saturday afternoon meeting. We will have a market update with what is going on around central Otago (speaker TBC), Tenancy Law update by OPIA president Kathryn Seque including RTA amendments, healthy homes and RTA reform. We will also have Mitre 10 mega attending to show you products that can help you comply with the new healthy homes requirements with ease. Afternoon tea will be supplied but you must register online. Heritage Hotel Cromwell- 1pm 5th October 2019
    05-10-2019 more >>
  • Donna Youngman- Resene Renovator of the Year 2017
    Donna's renovation showed imaginative solutions, achieved excellent extra profit and the result looked really good.  She was able to increase the rent income without the cost of a new build.  There was a good description of what paints were used and where. It was completed under budget as most of the work was done by the owner. Come and learn about the best renovator in NZ in 2017 and how she does it all, there will be so much to learn at this event. 
    16-07-2019 more >>
  • Period between property inspections increased from 3 -4 monthly by Initio - an exclusive member-only benefit
    The New Zealand Property Investors Federation is pleased to announce that our insurance partner, Initio, has added an exclusive member-only benefit that increases the required property inspection period from 3 monthly to 4 monthly.
    08-07-2019 more >>
  • Noel Leeming deal for NZPIF members to keep you safe and smart
    From 9 -22 July you can purchase all smart home, smart security and smart light products for cost +5%
    07-07-2019 more >>
  • The Official Cash Rate (OCR) remains at 1.75 percent.
    The Reserve Bank Governor said that given the weaker global economic outlook and the risk of ongoing subdued domestic growth, a lower OCR may be needed over time to continue to meet our objectives.
    26-06-2019 more >>
  • A complete plants package - without a hefty price tag
    Landscaping supplies can cost you an arm, and a leg as well as your patience. Adding up the price of plants, the time deciding which plants are right for the environment, not to mention the to-ing and fro-ing, loading and off-loading – well, it can leave more than your budget broken. So, we were pleasantly surprised when we discovered there’s something like flat pack furniture, but for the outdoors. In short, it’s a complete (and affordable) plants package that provides you with what you need to create an entire garden, including plants, shrubbery, flowers and trees.
    20-06-2019 more >>
  • AGM & Andrew King- NZPIF Executive officer
    Come along to our fun AGM and vote on the new executive for the 2019/2020 year. After we get that out of the way we will have the NZPIF executive officer Andrew King speaking about all the changes happening around tenancy law and everything thrown at it in the past two years. Andrew is the person you see in the media talking on behalf of the NZPIF and often deals with the Government directly to try and get us landlords heard. This will be a popular one so register early!
    18-06-2019 more >>

  • Results: 76-100 of 257

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