Otago Property Investors Association Inc

03 477 6220


News & Updates

Recent updates

  • POP UP MEETING- Healthy Homes Info night
    With the new Healthy Homes Act now law come and learn about what it entails and how you will have to bring your rental property up to standard. A special meeting run by the OPIA to help you get healthy home ready. We will go over all the new requirements and also some of the products you can use to do this at minimal cost using OPIA and NZPIF discounts and tips from Cliff (Current OPIA president) about what he does to make it easier and cheaper. This event is a must register event as it is looking to be very popular and we may have to limit numbers so make sure you reg now! Tuesday 4th June 2019, 7pm
    04-06-2019 more >>
  • Proposed CGT impacted on housing views in three months to April
    The latest ASB Housing Confidence report shows there was an impact on housing views from the proposed capital gains tax,
    27-05-2019 more >>
  • PKF Accounting- All things Tax
    PKF Accounting have been friends to the OPIA for years and are experts when it comes to property and rental taxes. Come along and learn all about the tax changes that have already happened and ones that are coming. We may not need to worry about capital gains tax anymore but there is so much more coming so don't miss this chance to get caught up and learn how to make the most of it.
    21-05-2019 more >>
  • Healthy Homes standards signed off
    The final healthy homes standards were announced on 13 May and are now available on the New Zealand Legislation website. The standards set minimum requirements for heating, insulation, ventilation, moisture and drainage, and draught stopping in rental properties and will be law from 1 July 2019.
    13-05-2019 more >>
  • OCR reduced to 1.5%
    The Monetary Policy Committee decided a lower OCR is necessary to support the outlook for employment and inflation consistent with its policy remit.
    08-05-2019 more >>
  • News from CoreLogic
    CoreLogic has the tools to assist property investors with their research
    24-04-2019 more >>
  • Clifford Seque- 23 April 2019
    Clifford Seque our current OPIA President has been investing in property in Dunedin for 45 years. Over this time he has learnt all the tips and tricks on selecting and buying rentals, renovating rentals and building new.
    23-04-2019 more >>
  • OCR remains at 1.75%
    The Official Cash Rate (OCR) remains at 1.75 percent. Given the weaker global economic outlook and reduced momentum in domestic spending, the more likely direction of our next OCR move is down.
    27-03-2019 more >>
  • Nigel Latta - The Psychology of Building Empires
    Otago Property Investors Association Inc. presents Nigel Latta - From Caves to Investment Properties: The Psychology of Building Empires. Members: Free non-members: $35. Registration is essential as you will need tickets to get in the theatre. 7:30pm Start (Doors open at 7pm)
    19-03-2019 more >>
  • Capital gains tax reviewed by Tony Alexander, BNZ
    In his weekly review on February 28, Tony Alexander summarised the possible effects of the proposed capital gains tax
    01-03-2019 more >>
  • Prospects for build to rent in NZ
    A new report has been released by CBRE
    01-03-2019 more >>
  • Cautious cheer for buyers in ASB Housing Confidence Survey
    House price expectations slipped again, according to the latest ASB Housing Confidence Survey – though the decline was less dramatic than in the October quarter.
    15-02-2019 more >>
  • Act now. Get your rental property insulated sooner rather than later
    You have until the end of June 2019 to get everything sorted
    03-12-2018 more >>
  • Unovent Home Ventilation Kitsets 25% less until midnight Tuesday 11th December
    The 25% price reduction for Unovent® Home Ventilation Kitsets is an exclusive offer for members of Property Investors' Associations affiliated to the NZPIF and is a “Super Special Reduction” not always available
    02-12-2018 more >>
  • NZPIF in the news 25 times over the last three months
    As well as building relationships with influential people, attending workshops and writing submissions, NZPIF representatives (usually Andrew King) have been vocal in the media channels.
    01-12-2018 more >>
  • Property values spring into life in Wellington
    According to the October CoreLogic QV House Price Index, property values in Wellington City grew by 3.9% over the last three months.
    07-11-2018 more >>
  • Housing costs rise more than household income
    The average annual household income has risen 41 percent since 2008, up more than twice the rate of inflation, Stats NZ said today. Over the same period, average annual housing costs increased 43 percent.
    30-10-2018 more >>
  • Housing costs rise more than household income
    The average annual household income has risen 41 percent since 2008, up more than twice the rate of inflation, Stats NZ said today. Over the same period, average annual housing costs increased 43 percent.
    30-10-2018 more >>
  • 2018 NZPIF Conference
    This is the annual Conference of the NZPIF
    12-10-2018 more >>
  • NZPIF template for RTA submission
    There are an enormous number of proposed changes to the RTA, all aimed at improving conditions for tenants. Submissions close on Sunday 21 October. More tenants have replied to these one sided reviews than landlords, so it is critical for every landlord to take the time and have their say to provide balance. Attached here is a template to help you make a submission. You can also complete a Government survey on the RTA Review t https://www.research.net/r/rta-reform-survey
    07-10-2018 more >>
  • A summary of the NZPIF position on sections of the RTA Review Oct 2018
    This provides information on the Residential Tenancies Act Review and NZPIF views on it,. We encourage you to put in a submission as many tenants have already had their say on these extremely one sided proposals.
    07-10-2018 more >>
  • NZPIF Report on proposed standards for the Healthy Homes Guarantee Act
    The Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) have been tasked by Government to establish standards for the Healthy Homes Guarantee Act. MBIE have produced a report into possible standards and are seeking public submissions on these proposals. The NZPIF have produced a report summarising the proposals and conveying the NZPIF position on them. You can read this report here.
    20-09-2018 more >>
  • NZPIF report on Residential Tenancies Act Review
    The Ministry of Building Innovation and Employment (MBIE) have issued a review of the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA). It is a large review and extremely important for our industry. The NZPIF has summarised the review for members and provided a short assesment on each aspect of the review. Tenant advocates are encouraging tenants to support the review and are arranging on and off-line seminars to help tenants do this. It is imperative that as many landlords as possible also express their view as some of the proposals will be extremely damaging to our industry, including being damaging to tenants.
    20-09-2018 more >>
  • Ashley Church - Property institute of NZ
    Ashley Church will be presenting on September 11 on The Future of Property Investment. Ashley has an extensive background in the property industry, going back more than 30 years. He is the CEO of the Property Institute. With a high media profile, he is frequently called on as a guest commentator and industry expert in national media and television programmes.
    11-09-2018 more >>
  • Government proposes to reform the RTA
    Landlords, renters and other interested people are invited to have their say. Submissions are welcome before October 21.
    27-08-2018 more >>

  • Results: 101-125 of 257

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