Otago Property Investors Association Inc

03 477 6220


News & Updates

Recent updates

  • Valuing rental property
    Did your rental property valuations go up, stay the same, or go down in 2016? Come and find out on the 24 August. The media is saying that valuations are increasing in Dunedin and property is selling for over the QV? What does that all mean for short term and long term property investing? Ah-Lek Tay is an OPIA member, property investor and independent valuer in Dunedin with over 30 years of experience. He has valued property throughout New Zealand but more recently specialises in the Dunedin residential and commercial property markets. he carrys out pre-purchase and pre-sale valuations, insurance valuations and rent reviews, undertakes asset valuations and lease negotiations. Commercial development feasibility assessments, lettable area assessments.
    24-08-2017 more >>
  • Accounting and You Malcolm Wong from Cook North & Wong Ltd Chartered Accountants
    Come to this meeting on 27 July and keep up to date with the changing accounting and tax & GST requirements. Make sure you are claiming all possible legitimate repairs and maintenance expenses. Come along and listen to Malcolm Wong of CNW - Cook North and Wong Ltd Chartered Accountants He is happy to answer your questions
    27-07-2017 more >>
  • MBIE launches online housing market dashboard
    The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment today released the Urban DevelopmentCapacity Dashboard – a one-stop, open-source tool of housing market indicators such as prices and rents, the number building consents granted relative to the growth in population; and the recently released Housing Affordability Measure (HAM).
    07-07-2017 more >>
  • Demystifying Health & Safety
    The term 'health and safety' features frequently in the media these days. Find out more on July 4. As Landlords we have a responsibility to our tenants and tradespeople and ourselves to operate a healthy and safe rental property environment. Scott Weatherall is a common sense Health and Safety Consultant. His philosophy is not about stopping kiwis having fun its about doing it safely. If you have any specific Health & safety related issues you want answers to - please email opia@opia.org.nz and we will pass them on to Scott ahead of the event.
    04-07-2017 more >>
  • Your Roof your Plumbing and your Rental
    With all this rain is your roof still waterproof? Warren Macnee of Promax Roofing has lots to share - different roof coatings and options, ways to make sure your rental property and its roof stays protected for longer. Duane Pleace is an OPIA member and plumber. He is to speak about his property and plumbing related experiences. If you have any plumbing related questions for Duane please email opia@opia.org.nz and he will answer them.
    29-06-2017 more >>
  • OPIA Office closed
    The OPIA Office will be closed on Wednesday 14th June Thursday 15th June If you need any help, support, information, smoke alarms or tenancy agreements Please email the OPIA on opia@opia.org.nz or leave an answerphone message on 03 4776220 and The President will get back to you within approx. 24 hours. If you can be on call to help cover office opening times please email The President on opia@opia.org.nz Thank you
    15-06-2017 more >>
  • Double glazing alternatives
    Want to provide a warm home for your tenants? Can't afford double glazing? There are other just as efficient and more cost effective alternatives. Come along and hear Raymond Dorsey from Mactrac Mactrac also have a range of shower and curtain tracks, blinds, hand rails and lots more.
    25-05-2017 more >>
  • Selwyn Mexted launches book
    NZPIF President Terry le Grove was the introductory speaker at Selwyn Mexted's book launch in Hamilton on 9 May.
    10-05-2017 more >>
  • Selwyn Mexted's new book reveals all about his real estate money machine
    Richard Woodd writes about the man, his new book and how it can assist you to create wealth through property.
    10-05-2017 more >>
  • Methamphetamine - managing the risk
    As a landlord, it's important to know your responsibilities around methamphetamine contamination - both for your tenants' safety, and to ensure that you're adequately covered. David Begg from Pure Services has an excellent presentation for landlords which will give you vital important information about Meth. This is an issue that we all need to know about. It’s not going away, in fact it is becoming more prevalent in society. Larry Greene from Betta Inspect It will give you an overview of how to test for Meth in your properties.
    09-05-2017 more >>
  • Will coastal properties become ineligible for insurance?
    A new report by Motu Economic and Public Policy Research explores the effects of climate change on insurance.
    01-05-2017 more >>
  • Lowering the cost of installation for landlords
    G-Force We Install specialises in providing a nationwide insulation and smoke alarm assessment, supply and installation service for rental property owners and managers to ensure that their properties meet the new requirements of the Residential Tenancy Act (RTA).
    17-04-2017 more >>
  • It's always hard to buy a home
    “Many people claim that housing has never been less affordable and that it is an impossible dream for today's young people”, says Andrew King, Executive Officer of the NZ Property Investors’ Federation. “While these well-meaning people believe they are standing up for young first home buyers, they may in fact be doing them a disservice.”
    12-04-2017 more >>
  • This time is different - cooling property market and higher interest rates
    This monthly ANZ Property Focus publication provides an independent appraisal of recent developments in the property market.
    03-04-2017 more >>
  • Hyde Street Party
    The OUSA have sent thru the following information about the arrangements for this years HYDE STREET PARTY OUSA encourage your tenants to dispose of any outdoor items that might be a fire hazard or cause congestion. OUSA would appreciate if you could also make time to visit your property on March 31st to ensure that all items of concern are removed. On the day there will be 45 security present. If you feel you would like to take further precautions to protect your property SPS Security would be more than happy to contract this with you. The person to do this through is Danny at SPS Security spssltd@xtra.co.nz or 0274885226
    01-04-2017 more >>
  • Mitre 10 Heating Expo
    A different format Hosted Event for OPIA members to attend. Choose the day most convenient for your work and family schedule and visit Mitre 10 Mega. DON'T FORGET to take your OPIA MEMBERSHIP CARD. They are holding a HEATING EXPO plus an EXCLUSIVE YOU CHOOSE THE DISCOUNT 3 day SALE! Pick up your FREE Gift & Discount Sheet in store from Friday 17 March. Plus get advice from our experts over the weekend on the best heating solution for your Investment Property! More details to follow - so put the date in your diary.
    19-03-2017 more >>
  • New Members Meeting
    The New Member Induction Evening is run 4 times per year. This evening has several purposes: To welcome our new OPIA members, To explain the contents (forms) on the USB stick, To explain about the resources we have available to them. To answer any questions they may have about property investing. To meet like minded people so that when a Member Hub is attended they recognise a friendly face to chat with.
    16-03-2017 more >>
  • Landlord's Insurance Q & A
    What you need to know about insuring your investment property.
    28-02-2017 more >>
  • Rent arrears - Application and Beyond
    Cliff Seque, President of the Otago PIA, provides a step by step guide to the process of recovering rent arrears.
    24-05-2009 more >>
  • QV statistics confirm slowing property market
    QV's October statistics released today report growth in national property values of 12.7% over the past year.
    11-12-2007 more >>
  • Cooling house prices
    James Weir reports in the Dominion Post today that house prices are likely to increase by just 5 percent this year.
    04-12-2007 more >>
  • Tentative signs of rate competition
    The first signs are emerging of a spring campaign amongst banks for home loan business. As reported in Good Returns Kiwibank was the first to move.
    21-09-2007 more >>
  • Top Mortgage Broker named
    The New Zealand Mortgage Brokers Association named its top brokers for 2007 at its annual conference in Rotorua on the weekend.
    14-09-2007 more >>
  • KiwiSaver could make refinancing harder
    Increasing home loan rates are not the only thing hurting borrowers at the moment. One brokers says joining KiwiSaver could make refinancing even harder.
    13-07-2007 more >>
  • Looking for some balance in the demand-supply of housing
    In the feature article of the May issue of ANZ's Property Focus, the simple demand-supply housing balance measures across the regions highlight Auckland and Wellington as areas where the market remains tightest. Conversely, a turning point is not too far away in the majority of regions, noteably Gisborne, Hawke's Bay and Taranaki.
    27-05-2007 more >>

  • Results: 151-175 of 257

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